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Asia-Pacific ICH C2C Exhibition Held

Asia-Pacific ICH C2C Exhibition ⓒ ICHCAP
Asia-Pacific ICH C2C Exhibition ⓒ ICHCAP

An exhibition, titled 'Companions for Safeguarding ICH—Category 2 Centres in Asia-Pacific’, was held in Bogota, Colombia, 6 to 14 December 2019. As a side event of the 14th Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the exhibition was aimed to promote the activities of UNESCO category 2 centers (C2C) in the field of ICH in the Asia-Pacific region. During the event, ICHCAP, the International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia‐Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (CRIHAP), and the International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) introduced C2C activities designed to support ICH safeguarding efforts of various stakeholders in the region.

The objectives, functions, and chronological activities of each center were presented through large panels and screens installed in the exhibition venue. Also on display were various publications, musical recordings, videos, and photos, allowing visitors to see detailed project outcomes. ICHCAP, in particular, drew attention to its major online initiatives, including its e-Knowledge Center and ICH Courier. The center also encouraged visitors to check out the outcomes of its digitization and video production projects through CD players and e-Knowledge Center.

In addition, a brochure describing the outline of the activities of the three centers was distributed during the exhibition to improve understanding of the centers’ functions and providing an at-a-glance view of how they work together with UNESCO Paris, regional offices, and other stakeholders. The brochure also included major plans of the centers for 2020, so stakeholders can develope ideas for collaborations suited to the objectives and functions of each center.

During the exhibition, the three centers stimulated discussions on collaboration among UNESCO Paris and C2Cs in other regions, as well as on greater partnership among themselves. They also discussed how IRCI can possibly participate in the higher education network project developed by ICHCAP and CRIHAP as well as the organization of this exhibition for the next intergovernmental committee to further raise visibility.

ICH-related C2Cs in the Asia-Pacific region have been actively helping member states build safeguarding capacities and better understand UNESCO's 2003 Convention, and they will continue its support for more safeguarding activities of stakeholders.


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