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Living Heritage Series Publication Launching Event Held in Bogota

Living Heritage Series <Traditional Food> Publication Launching Event  ⓒ ICHCAP
Living Heritage Series Publication Launching Event ⓒ ICHCAP

ICHCAP held a book launching event during the fourteenth Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which took place from 9 to 13 December 2019 in Bogota, Colombia. The event celebrated the publication on traditional food in collaboration with ICHNGO Forum’s #HeritageAlive.

Since 2017, ICHCAP has been publishing the Living Heritage Series biannually with #HeritageAlive, an online journal of the UNESCO-accredited ICHNGO Forum. In 2019, Traditional Food Sharing Experiences from the Field was published as part of the series. The book launching event was organized to share the experience, achievements, and outcomes of the past two years and commemorate the recent publication.

The event took place on 9 December. About 150 people involved in the ICH field joined the event to celebrate the publication. The event kicked off with the congratulatory speech by Mr. Weonmo Park, Director of the Cooperation and Networking Office of ICHCAP, and Susanne Schnüttgen, Chief of Unit from UNESCO Paris. Then, Eivind Falk, Editor-in-Chief of #HeritageAlive, introduced the new book. During the following presentations, the authors of the book, Ms. Reme Sakr, Mr. V.Jayarajan, Mr. Gabriele Detschmann, and Ms. Laura Lopez, explained the traditional food of various regions and shared their experience and knowledge for the transmission and safeguarding of traditional food as intangible heritage.

The event paid special attention to traditional food in Colombia. Ms. Laura Lopez introduced chicha, a traditional Colombian drink, which is one of the subjects of the book. The participants also had a chance to talk with chicha practitioners. Right after the event, they enjoyed Colombian food that was served for free.

Meanwhile, traditional instruments was selected as the next volume in the series. A call for paper will be announced in the first half of 2020, and the final outcome will be published in 2021.


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