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2019 CPI Research Presentation on ICH


On 25 November 2019, ICHCAP held the ‘2019 CPI Research Presentation and Completion Ceremony’ at the National Intangible Heritage Center, with all members of ICHCAP The six participants of ICHCAP’s invitation program successfully completed their sojourn in Korea. The program, as a part of the Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI), was aimed to build an ICH information network in the Asia-Pacific region.

The participants selected their research subjects at the start of the program in July through discussion and review, which included the ICH safeguarding systems, comparative studies for specific ICH elements in their countries and the relationships between ICH and museum, etc. Over the next five months, they conducted their researches, which involved visiting ICH institutions and interviews with experts in Korea.

The participants, from Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Nepal, and Indonesia, are experts working in the field of ICH and culture at cultural departments, specialized institutions, and NGOs in their countries. As the result of their research, the participants submitted the following reports:

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa
Engaging the Youth in the Safeguarding and Promotion of Korean Intangible Cultural Heritage

Abraão Ribeiro Mendonça
Safeguarding Traditional weaving (Tais) in Timor-Leste and learning process from Korea: ICH Policy system

Nazym Malibayeva
Intangible Cultural Heritage in Museum Practice

Hoang The Phuc
Comparative study on the safeguarding system of the traditional crafts between Korea and Vietnam: The case study of the traditional lacquer craft

Dipa Rai
Study of Safeguarding measures and challenges of traditional dance performance in Korea (Ganggangsullae) and Nepal (Sakela)

Muhammad Afif
Intangible Aspects on Vernacular Architecture between Joglo Pencu Kudus (Java Traditional House) and Hanok (Korean Traditional House)

The participants were also given a special opportunity to build field capacity for ICH safeguarding by attending various international events and projects organized by ICHCAP in the Asia-Pacific region. This year, in particular, they got additional fruitful field experiences by attending 2019 APHEN-ICH Field School and 2019 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage. Additionally, by writing articles for ICHCAP’s e-Newsletter, the participants delivered information about ICH safeguarding activities of their countries and collected local ICH information, contributing to greater visibility of ICH.

As ICH researchers and experts, the participants will serve as focal points in building an Asia-Pacific network for ICHCAP projects. Also as ICHCAP correspondents, they will also continue to share information about ICH safeguarding activities in the Asia-Pacific region, and act as a bridge to help ICHCAP conduct reciprocal projects with the countries. The CPI program was supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The participants’ research reports will be shared through ICHCAP’s website.


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