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ICHCAP’s 2020 Work Plan Confirmed

2019 Governing Board Meeting of ICHCAP ⓒ ICHCAP
2019 Governing Board Meeting of ICHCAP ⓒ ICHCAP

The 2019 Governing Board Meeting of ICHCAP took place October 25, 2019 at the Stanford Hotel, Seoul. The meeting was attended by over 30 participants, including ICHCAP governing board members and relevant members of the Cultural Heritage Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and UNESCO ICH category 2 centers from China and Japan.

ICHCAP reported the progress and current issues of its 2019 projects. The modification of ICHCAP’s articles of association and future plans were also reviewed and approved. In addition, ICHCAP reported the result of the renewal of the UNESCO-ROK agreement regarding the center’s establishment, which was signed October 11, 2019. ICHCAP’s projects for 2020 were confirmed based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2003 Convention and its Operational Directives.

ICHCAP developed the 2020 projects with a focus on enhancing the quality of its 2019 projects. After 2019, ICHCAP will continue to expand information-collection channels and distribute information in various forms, as well as expand its networks by diversifying participants from government bodies to experts, communities, and NGOs. ICHCAP also plans to expand the implementation of an education network that is given priority in the field of ICH. ICHCAP has been concentrating on projects related to education, youth, NGO videos, and ICH activity information, based on UNESCO strategies and the major functions of the center for ICH safeguarding. The new project that will build an ICH information-sharing platform, in particular, is aimed at ICH information sharing and utilization with the engagement of member states.


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