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‘Linking 2003 Convention on University ICH Programs’: Capacity-Building Workshop Held, 22-25 July 2019 in Shanghai

Participants at The UNESCO Capacity-Building Workshop on Linking 2003 Convention on University ICH programs ⓒ CRIHAP
Participants at The UNESCO Capacity-Building Workshop on Linking 2003 Convention on University ICH programs ⓒ CRIHAP

The UNESCO Capacity-Building Workshop on Linking 2003 Convention on University ICH Programs was held from July 22 to 25, 2019 at the Shanghai International Studies University, China.

Co-hosted by ICHCAP and the International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia‐Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (CRIHAP), the workshop offered seventeen participants, including professors and researchers coming from 14 APHEN-ICH((APHEN-ICH : In September 2018, the Asia-Pacific Higher Education Network for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage (APHEN-ICH) was established in cooperation with ICHCAP and UNESCO. As of 2019, there are 17 member universities including Korea National University of Cultural Heritage(KNUCH), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto University, Thammasat University in Thailand and Beijing Normal University in China.))member universities, a chance to learn about the practical application of the 2003 Convention and relevant Capacity-Building materials to their existing and future university programs.

The workshop sessions were facilitated by Sangmee Bak, Professor of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Republic of Korea), and Gamini Wijesuriya, a Special Advisor to the Director-General of ICCROM (Sri Lanka). Twelve sessions include lectures on The 2003 Convention and its key concepts, ICH Safeguarding and Community Participation, ICH and Gender, ICH and Sustainable Development and so forth as well as presentations and analysis of ICH related courses in seven universities and learning outcomes of ICH courses in higher education, and a field trip to Shanghai Museum of Arts and Crafts.

Facilitators of the Capacity-Building Workshop ⓒ ICHCAP

Field visit to Shanghai Arts and Crafts Museum ⓒ ICHCAP

In addition to the Capacity Building, an extraordinary general meeting of APHEN-ICH was held to discuss Network’s operational modalities and to welcome elected Bureau members and new member institutes including Halu Oleo University(Indonesia), University of Santo Tomas(Philippines), Beijing Normal University and Shanghai University.

ICHCAP has been engaged in a variety of projects, including international conferences and seminars, with universities in the Asia Pacific who are the strategic partner for the implementation of the ICH Convention. ICH field school will be held for 21 students and researchers from 10 countries in Asia and the Pacific from 16 to 23 August at the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage. ICHCAP will continue to cooperate with the APHEN-ICH member universities to promote sustainable exchange and to strengthen research capacity through academic conferences, curriculum development and joint research projects.


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