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ICHCAP Signed MOU with the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)

Group Photo at the MOU Signing Ceremony between ICHCAP and HUFS  ⓒ HUFS
Group Photo at the MOU Signing Ceremony between ICHCAP and HUFS ⓒ HUFS

ICHCAP signed an MOU with the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) on 14 June 2019 to promote ICH safeguarding in the Asia-Pacific region and to foster young global leaders. Based on the expertise of two organizations, ICHCAP and HUFS agreed to cooperate in the following areas.

Mr. Keum Gi Hyung, Director-General of ICHCAP and Mr. Kim In Chul, President of HUFS ⓒ HUFS
First, ICHCAP and HUFS through its Center for Central Asian Studies, agreed to develop educational materials for regional and cultural studies using the audiovisual ICH contents that ICHCAP collected in the Asia-Pacific region. Second, ICHCAP and HUFS plan to develop an integrated ICH information platform in the Asia-Pacific region. The expertise and technology of the Department of Information and Archival Science of HUFS, will greatly contribute to activating the information sharing mechanism and to strengthening information management capacity of the Asia-Pacific member states. Lastly, ICHCAP and the Division of International Studies of HUFS will make joint efforts to nurture global talents and to promote research in the ICH field.

Through this MOU, ICHCAP expects to improve the quality of international cooperative projects with linking the academic knowledge into the projects. Moreover, through the collaborative efforts between the specialized international organization and university, it is expected that many global talented young leaders can be nurtured to have practical working experience as well as theoretical knowledge.


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