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Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture of Myanmar Visited ICHCAP

Delegation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Myanmar ⓒ ICHCAP
Delegation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Myanmar ⓒ ICHCAP

On 27 May 2019, Mr. Kyaw Oo Lwin, Director General of the Department of Archaeology and National Museum, as well as nine high-level public officials from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture of Myanmar (MORAC) visited ICHCAP to discuss and seek opportunities for future collaboration.

MORAC is a state agency designed to promote rich religion and cultural heritage of Myanmar. This year, the delegates are invited to attend the training program organized by Asia Culture Center (ACC) as part of its official development aid (ODA) to strengthen the capacity of cultural organizations in Myanmar.
Meeting with the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Myanmar ⓒ ICHCAP

ICHCAP and MORAC shared their projects and activities and discussed various issues about safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, including inventorying and community participation. They also shared the latest progress on video documentation project that they have worked on together since 2017, as well as the future plans for cooperation in other fields.

Mr. Gi Hyung Keum, Director-General of ICHCAP, highlighted the importance of government bodies and relevant organizations showing their strong will for cooperation in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Mr. Keum also requested that MORAC and other cultural agencies participate in ICHCAP programs such as digitization and correspondent programs.

MORAC expressed their interest in digitization and other NGO networking programs and showed their will to join in ICHCAP’s programs and activities in the future.


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