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ICHCAP’s Culture Day

ICHCAP organized a special staff-participation event as a part of Korean Culture Day on 27 March 2019. It was the first -event of the year, and every staff participated in a flower arrangement class in Jeonju. The principal aim of this event is to help with team building among the staff and various offices following the recent restructuring of the Centre.

Given the success of the event, ICHCAP plans to hold special quarterly Korean Culture Days that will help strengthen our cultural sensibility and reinforce harmonious relations which will be beneficial to the work of ICHCAP.

Cultural Day in Korea: Since 2014, the last Wednesday of each month has been designated as a special "Culture Day" by the government. The main purpose of designating a monthly culture day is to help people enjoy the improved cultural environment in their daily lives by making culture more accessible. During culture day, participating museums, galleries and other cultural facilities will offer free or discounted admission.


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