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Reorganization of ICHCAP Secretariat—Strengthening Information & Networking Capabilities

On 25 February, ICHCAP will reorganize to improve business efficiency and promptly respond to recent changes at home and abroad.

Since its establishment in July 2011, ICHCAP has operated the Bureau of Strategic Programmes (four teams) and the Planning and Management Office under the Secretariat. The Centre plans to change the organization into four offices to focus on core functions, improve synergy by consolidating similar functions and enhance business efficiency by simplifying decision-making processes.

The Planning and Management Office, which was responsible for organization operation, external affairs, and system/workforce management, will also manage tasks related to cooperation with UNESCO. The Bureau of Strategic Programmes will be reorganized into three offices by consolidating similar functions and projects to focus on its core function, information and networking.

The Bureau will consist of the Policy Development Office (new business development), the Information and Research Office (information gathering and publications), and the Network and Cooperation Office (networking and joint projects by region).

Director-General Gi Hyung Keum expects the reorganization to help improve efficiency in executing core information and networking projects.


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