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Jae Suk Chung, Head of CHA, Visits ICHCAP

  • Name
  • Date17 Jan 2019
Jae Suk Chung, Head of CHA, and ICHCAP staff ⓒ ICHCAP
Jae Suk Chung, Head of CHA, and ICHCAP staff ⓒ ICHCAP

Jae Suk Chung, Head of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA), visited ICHCAP on 16 January. During her meeting with ICHCAP staff, she listened to their work reports, talked with them, and offered to support international cooperation in cultural heritage through ICHCAP and encouraged ICHCAP to be more actively involved on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the Asia-Pacific region.

ICHCAP staff delivering work reports to Jae Suk Chung, Head of CHA. ⓒ ICHCAP


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