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Workshop for Pilot Project to Support the Activation of ICH Information-Related Institutes

On 21 December 2018, a workshop will take place at the Research Institute of Culture and Information (RICI) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, to celebrate the launch of ICHCAP’s pilot project to support the activation of ICH information-related institutes. The project is part of ICHCAP’s mid- and long-term programs, and Tajikistan was selected as the first pilot site of the project. ICHCAP and Member States in the Asia-Pacific region agreed on the need to enhance information capacities of Member States for ICH safeguarding activities through information sharing, and the project was designed for that purpose.


At the workshop, RICI will explain the current status of ICH safeguarding in Tajikistan and its project execution plan. ICHCAP will provide an overview of its projects and share its vision for information sharing in the Asia-Pacific region. A publication event will be also held for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tajikistan, which was co-published by ICHCAP and RICI in 2017.

The project is expected to allow for systematic production, management, and sharing of ICH-related materials in Tajikistan with RICI playing the pivotal role. To this end, RICI is planning to carry out the following activities starting from January 2019. RICI has selected and planned these activities by analyzing important issues to be addressed, helping to enhance project’s substance.
  • Organizing training on strengthening information capacities for ICH safeguarding (in Badakhshan, Sughd, Khatlon, Rasht and Hisar)
  • Preparing and translating training materials (from English to Tajik)
  • Preparing and publishing major documents, including ICH safeguarding manual, in local language
  • Purchasing necessary equipment for conducting fieldwork (recording and production), research, and training
  • Purchasing storage tools for saving ICH materials
  • Building ICH laboratory for processing audio, video and photo materials
  • Elaborating ICH materials (meta data input, etc.) and making materials accessible for wide usage
  • Expert exchange in the field of intangible cultural heritage for strengthening national capacities
  • Creating a website on Tajik ICH in Tajik and English

The project will be expanded to other Member States in the Asia-Pacific region after reflecting on the pilot project outcome in Tajikistan. It is expected to help strengthen independent and sustainable capacities of Member States for ICH safeguarding.



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