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2018 Expert Workshop on ICH Video Production in Southeast Asia Held

2018 Expert Workshop and Working Meeting on ICH Video Production in Southeast Asia ⓒ ICHCAP
2018 Expert Workshop and Working Meeting on ICH Video Production in Southeast Asia ⓒ ICHCAP

From 23 to 25 October, ICHCAP held the 2018 Expert Workshop on ICH Video Production in Southeast Asia at the National Intangible Heritage Center in Jeonju, Korea.

The workshop and meeting sessions were attended by twenty-three ICH and video experts from eight Southeast Asian countries (Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand). They are ICH relevant scholars, public officers, and video producers in Southeast Asia participating in a three-year ICH video production project implemented by ICHCAP.

The participants gave presentations on ICH video documentation in each country under the topics of “Current Status and Challenges,” “Project Progress,” “Test Screening of Films,” and “Future Plans.” They also held consultations for the video production project with ICHCAP.

They agreed that video documentation and archiving of ICH elements with different backgrounds (in terms of geography, history, custom, language, etc.), albeit looking similar at first glance, can promote cultural diversity and raise public awareness of such elements. They also agreed on the need for sharing information and communicating among ICH and video documentation experts. ICHCAP provided the video documentation training session to help participants learn VR- and drone-related skills.

The experts will share the takeaways from the meeting/workshop and participate in element selection and production processes for the projects in their own country.

The latest information technologies and quality video documentation are deemed important for ICH safeguarding, transmission, and visibility improvement. ICHCAP has successfully completed its video documentation project in four Central Asian countries and Mongolia (2015-2017). Then, it selected Southeast Asia for the second project, which has been joined by four countries (Vietnam and the Philippines in 2017; Malaysia and Indonesia in early 2018). Cambodia and Laos will also participate in the project by the end of 2018 while Thailand and Myanmar plan to begin the project in early 2019.


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