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2018 Asia-Pacific ICH NGO Conference in Hue, Vietnam

2016 Asia-Pacific ICH NGO Conference participants ⓒ ICHCAP
2016 Asia-Pacific ICH NGO Conference participants ⓒ ICHCAP

ICHCAP will hold the 2018 Asia-Pacific ICH NGO Conference in Hue, Vietnam, from 6 to 8 November 2018, jointly with the Hue Monuments Conservation Center (HMCC).

It is the second conference following the previous one held in Jeonju, Korea, in November 2016. This year, the participants will discuss the subject of “ICH NGOs towards Sustainable Development of Communities”. They will share experiences on NGO activities contributing to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and explore a future direction for network building.

The conference will place particular focus on quality education (SDG 4) and communities (SDG 11) and their relationship to ICH safeguarding. On the first day, the participants will share their activities and project experiences related to the roles and potential of NGOs for ICH safeguarding; ICH education for sustainable development; and inclusive development of cities and communities through ICH transmission.

The second day will start with parallel group discussions on education and communities. The participants will be able to attend in-depth presentations by NGO activists and expert panel discussions on their topic of choice in separate meeting rooms. In the afternoon, a special session will look at the ICH safeguarding policy and direction of Vietnam, where this year’s conference takes place.

Korean mask dance performed at the 2016 conference ⓒ ICHCAP

On the last day, during the closing ceremony, a conference outcome document containing discussion notes and proposals will be adopted to wrap up the three-day conference. The participants will then make HMCC-organized field visits to the Complex of Hue Monuments, which is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and experience how ICH is being protected and transmitted in Hue City, a truly historic Vietnamese city.

Representatives of thirty-five organizations in the ICH-safeguarding field from sixteen countries will attend the conference. Among the participants are also members of the ICH NGO Forum, a UNESCO-Accredited ICH NGO. The participating organizations were selected through an application process. They are playing important roles bridging countries and communities with various aims, such as local community development, poverty alleviation, urban regeneration, and community capacity building, based on their expertise and experiences contributing to sustainable development.

More details about conference participation will be available on ICHCAP website.


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