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The 2018 Sub-Regional ICH Network Meeting in Northeast Asia

ICHCAP and the UNESCO Beijing Office will host the 2018 Sub-Regional ICH Network Meeting in Northeast Asia from 28 to 30 August 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. As the third of its kind, the meeting will be attended by representatives from government agencies and UNESCO-associated school networks in five Northeast Asian countries—namely, China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and Republic of Korea. They will share their experiences in regional ICH safeguarding and build a regional network.

With the adoption of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, education for sustainable development is also drawing attention to implement the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, highlighting integrated development of ICH and education. In the same context, ICHCAP will hold the sub-regional meeting under the theme of “ICH in Education: Toward Joint Collaboration for Promoting ICH in Formal and Non-formal Education.” The meeting aims to intensify sustainable cooperation and build a sub-regional network through multilateral cooperation.

The meeting will commence with a keynote speech by Ms. Susanne Schnuttgen from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section of the UNESCO Headquarters. Then, in the first session, the chief of the cultural unit of the UNESCO Bangkok Office will deliver a presentation on UNESCO’s efforts for integrating ICH in education, which will be followed by a panel discussion. For the second session, a presentation and a panel discussion will be held on how integrating ICH in education can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. In the third session, a discussion will take place on the sustainable network for ICH and education.

ICHCAP expects the meeting to emphasize the roles of formal and non-formal education for ICH safeguarding and encourage the participants to recognize the importance of education in contributing to the relationship between ICH and education. For more information, please check the attached program. For any inquiries, please contact ICHCAP’s Cooperation & Networking Section (063-230-9723, mjkim@ichcap.org)


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