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The 2018 Cultural Partnership Initiative Program Commences

2018 CPI Program Participants © ICHCAP
2018 CPI Program Participants © ICHCAP

ICHCAP commenced the 2018 Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI) Program on 9 July 2018. The CPI Program is a five-month residential program that invites experts in culture and art fields from developing countries. The program has been organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea (MCST) since 2005 and operated by ICHCAP since 2012. The following four individuals have been selected as participants of the 2018 CPI program to strengthen their capacity as ICH professionals and build international information network.
  • Chynara Bosunbaeva – Specialist, National Commission of Kyrgyzstan for UNESCO
  • Ratchada Sukka – Cultural officer, Department of Cultural Promotion of Thailand
  • Royce Lyssah Malabonga – Co-founder, Sraya Kultura
  • Thu Thu Aung – Researcher, Department of Archaeology and National Museum, Ministry of Culture of Myanmar

For the next five months, the participants will carry out individual research on Asia-Pacific ICH information and network building based on their own experience. To have a deeper connection to ICH field, they are given the opportunity to take part in ICHCAP projects and field studies and have exchanges with experts. In addition, the program allows participants to learn the Korean language and experience Korean culture.

Through the CPI Program, ICHCAP hopes to contribute to capacity building of Asia-Pacific ICH professionals who are expected to play a key role in building information networks in the region in the mid to long term.


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