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We, the Safeguarding Actors for Pacific ICH

 2017 Network Meeting for ICH Safeguarding in the Pacific © ICHCAP
2017 Network Meeting for ICH Safeguarding in the Pacific © ICHCAP

ICHCAP will host the Young ICH Practitioners Network Meeting in Honiara, the capital city of the Solomon Islands, for two days on 9 and 10 July 2018.

The 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage emphasizes the importance of providing education and training for and raising awareness among future generations. Young practitioners play critical roles in sustainable safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), given that ICH is transmitted through generations in communities.

Focusing on the great potential of young people as future leaders who will drive innovation and change for sustainable development, ICHCAP has engaged in various projects. Among them was the 2017 Network Meeting for ICH Safeguarding in the Pacific, which took place in Palau in April 2017. The participants identified the status and roles of young practitioners and confirmed their commitment to cooperate in the sustainable safeguarding of ICH.

This year, the Young ICH Practitioners Network Meeting will be held under the theme of “We, the Safeguarding Actors for Pacific ICH.” Young practitioners will attend the meeting as presenters and debaters to share their experiences and thoughts and voice their opinions as main actors for ICH safeguarding and transmission.

The first three meeting sessions will feature presentations and discussions by young practitioners, experts, and government representatives, during which they will discuss the roles of youth in ICH safeguarding and a collaborative network among practitioners. A group of experts will join the sessions to help young participants gain deeper understanding. They include Ms. Nisha (Director, UNESCO Office in Apia), Dr. Cresantia Frances Koya-Vaka’uta (Director, Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture & Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific), Dr. Takuya Nagaoka (Executive Director, Pasifika Renaissance), and Ms. Myjolynne Marie Kim (Ph.D. Candidate, the Australian National University). In the fourth session, the participants will brainstorm methods for the future operation of the young practitioners’ network and action plans on collaborative projects.

The meeting will allow young practitioners to engage in greater communication and cooperation to play leading roles in ICH safeguarding activities, and it will also encourage more youth to join in ICH safeguarding activities. To achieve these aims, it is important for us to garner support and participation. Online registration) for the meeting is open from 30 May to 22 June. For more information, please check the attached program. For any inquiries, please contact ICHCAP’s Cooperation & Networking Section (soyoung@ichcap.org).


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