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The Cultural Partnership Initiative Continues its Efforts to Create Opportunities and Build Networks

  • Name
  • Date21 Jul 2017
ICHCAP's2017 CPI Participants © ICHCAP
ICHCAP's2017 CPI Participants © ICHCAP

The Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI) commences its program in July 2017. Now on its twelfth year in action, the 5-month residency program gathers experienced individuals to strengthen their abilities to be fully competent international experts in ICH safeguarding. ICHCAP has been operating the CPI Program through the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea (MCST) and the CPI secretariat (Arts Council Korea) from 2012 to 2014 and 2016. Since the first implementation of the program in 2005, more than 1,000 professionals from 98 countries have been trained by the program.The following individuals are the selected participants of the 2017 CPI Program:
  • Anil Gandharba (Nepal; General Secretary, Gandharba Cultural Art Organization)
  • Yeshi Lendhup (Bhutan; Research Librarian, National Library and Archives of Bhutan)
  • Hawwa Nazla (Maldives; Director-General, Department of Heritage)
  • Ershad Komal Khan (Bangladesh; Editor, New Age Culture)

The CPI Program assists the selected participants with their individual research. To have a deeper connection to ICH field, they are given the opportunity to actively take part in ICHCAP projects, field studies, and workshops. In addition, the program allows its participants to learn the Korean language, experience Korean culture, and visit ICH-related agencies. These activities create a collaborative platform in which they can provide information on ICH activities in their own countries and help collect related information in the Asia-Pacific region.

ICHCAP has selected four participants for this year’s program. They are expected to contribute to fostering ICH networks based on their diverse experiences earned by working on ICH critical issues in relevant spaces. They are awarded a generous financial support—covering airfare, accommodation, living expenses, as well as the cost of Korean language course and cultural field trips. They will stay in Jeonju, Republic of Korea from July to November 2017.


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