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ICHCAP Publishes UNESCO Policy Brochures in Asia-Pacific Languages

  • Name
  • Date30 Jun 2017
Brochure Cover © ICHCAP
Brochure Cover © ICHCAP

ICHCAP co-published two brochures in five Asia-Pacific languages—Russian, Bahasa Malaysian, Mongolian, Uzbek, and Tongan—so States Party can better understand ICH from a global perspective. The two brochures, one on the relationship between ICH and sustainable development and the other on ICH and gender, were published with the cooperation of Malaysia’s Ministry of Tourism and Culture, UNESCO National Commission for Mongolian, UNESCO National Commission for Uzbekistan, and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tonga.

The two brochure topics are related to UNESCO’s key policy agendas, which have garnered international attention. “ICH and Sustainable Development” summarizes the contributions of ICH to sustainable development based on three dimensions indicated in the action plan of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—inclusive social development, environmental sustainability, and inclusive economic development—and one prerequisite for sustainable development: peace and security. “ICH and Gender” introduces the mutual relationship between gender norms and ICH and emphasizes that understanding the intimacy between ICH and gender is important for effective ICH safeguarding and gender equality.
We translated the brochures in five languages, considering translation quality and local distribution. The brochures are downloadable on ICHCAP’s website and will be available on the websites of the co-publishers and UNESCO .

Recognizing the importance of the brochures, ICHCAP plans to extend its support by translating them in other languages of Asia-Pacific countries, including Vietnamese, Sinhalese, Tamil, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, and Korean, to raise public awareness about ICH.


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