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Call for Applications: The 2017 Cultural Partnership Initiative Program

  • Name
  • Date19 May 2017
CPI half-poster
CPI half-poster

ICHCAP’s Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI) Program, a representative program among Korean cultural official development assistance programs, is offering five-month residency (July to November 2017) to four selected participants. The main objective of the program is to enhance international exchange in the ICH field by inviting young professionals from the Asia-Pacific region. The participants will have an opportunity to build their skills in ICH safeguarding by participating in a variety of projects, including individual research, ICHCAP programs, field trips, and an expert workshop.

The CPI Program welcomes applications from young professionals of the Asia-Pacific region who have at least three years of experience in the ICH field or other relevant cultural fields. ICHCAP will select four participants, and they will be provided with financial support and accommodations. Additional program expenses including a Korean language course (200 hours) and a number of cultural field trips will be covered by ICHCAP.

In 2017, the program focuses on building networks and information-sharing mechanisms in the ICH field as a long-term strategy. The selected participants will have an opportunity to engage with NGOs and ICH-related organizations.

To be considered applicants should submit a research proposal and an application package demonstrating their ability to forge beyond disciplinary specialization in the ICH field and their commitment to ICH safeguarding.

ICHCAP has been operating the CPI Program under the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea (MCST) and the CPI Secretariat (Arts Council Korea) from 2012 to 2014 and 2016. All candidates should submit required documents via e-mail (cpiichcap@gmail.com) no later than 30 May 2017, 18:00 (KST). For more information and the application requirements, visit our website.


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