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[ICH Policy Brief MOVE] 2023 JUN 사진
[ICH Policy Brief MOVE] 2023 JUN
  • Year2023
  • RegionAsia-Pacific
  • TypePeriodicals
  • LanguageKorean
  • Project/Series

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01 UNESCO Trends
* Bureau grants 973K dollars to support nine projects to safeguard living heritage
* UNESCO raises awareness about indigenous people`s their crucial role on safeguarding ICH
* 17th annual meeting of the Regional Network of Experts on Intangible Heritage in South-East Europe

02 Asia-Pacific Trends
* ASEAN-Korea Cultural Heritage Cooperation supports KASI(Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative)
* Turkiye distributed traditional handicraft tools among Algerian Tuareg women
* UNESCO Capacity Building Workshop for Community Learning Centers in China on Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding
* Isfahan, Old Persian Capital, steps towards leaping into a handicraft hub
* Kazakhstan holds Central Asia's biggest contemporary ethnic music festival

03 Korean Trends
* CHA and National Credit Union Federation of Korea cooperate for the trsmission of ICH of Korea
* NIHC continues to exchange with Kazakhstan in the field of ICH
* KCISA opens free Korean traditional culture digital assets
* Jeju Province reinforces its policies to safeguard `Jeju Haenyeo Culture`


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