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The 3rd APHEN-ICH International Seminar - Diversity and Distinctiveness: Looking into Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific 사진
The 3rd APHEN-ICH International Seminar - Diversity and Distinctiveness: Looking into Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific
  • Year2021
  • RegionAsia-Pacific
  • TypeMeeting Proceedings
  • LanguageEnglish,Korean
  • Project/Series

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This seminar material contains presentation manus that were announced at the 3rd APHEN-ICH International Seminar held on 18-19 Feburary 2021. ICHCAP hosted this event in cooperation with the UNESCO Bangkok Office and Korea National University of Cultural Heritage (KNUCH).

This seminar was held under the theme of Diversity and Distinctiveness: Looking into the Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific, to re-assess that while fragile, intangible cultural heritage is an important factor in maintaining cultural diversity, connecting bounds, and enhancing international dialogue and peace.


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