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Intangible Cultural Heritage NGOs’ Strategy in Achieving Sustainable Development: The Relationship between Safeguarding ICH and Education 사진
Intangible Cultural Heritage NGOs’ Strategy in Achieving Sustainable Development: The Relationship between Safeguarding ICH and Education
  • Year2018
  • RegionAsia-Pacific
  • TypeBooks
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Project/Series

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ICHCAP published a book in collaboration with eight NGOs from seven countries to highlight ICH NGOs’ activities in achieving sustainable development. Under the theme of  SDG 4: Quality Education, this book deals with the relationship between safeguarding ICH and education. NGOs are closely working with the communities and practitioners; additionally the NGOs work focuses on safeguarding ICH through formal and non-formal education while emphasizing the importance of transmitting ICH from one generation to the next. As a showcase of NGOs’ stories, this book represents a reflection of the 2003 Convention in actual activities and how ICH can contribute to achieving SDGs.


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